La Cultura

Iconic Southport Gates at entry to Gibraltar’s Main Street get major facelift, restoration and clean-up

THE Ministry of Heritage has restored the iconic Southport Gates to Gibraltar’s Main Street that date back to 1883 to their former glory after weeks of painstaking work. National museum restorer Manuel Jaen led the works, dismantling and cleaning the coats of arms and shields before returning them to their place. Helped by government archaeologist […] Gibraltar News – The Olive Press Spanish Newspaper …

Gibraltar’s Karel Mark Chichon to direct autumn classical music concert at iconic St Michael’s Cave

GIBRALTAR’S own conductor Karel Mark Chichon will be back on the Rock to direct the European Sinfonietta at this year’s autumn classical music concert. It will be held at the stunning location of St Michael’s Cave on October 4 with tickets priced at £22 including bus transfer from the city centre. Chichon has held prestigious […] Gibraltar News – The Olive Press Spanish Newspaper …

‘Our Gibraltar’ competition celebrates Gibraltar themed works ahead of National Week

THE annual ‘Our Gibraltar’ exhibition is currently being held at the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery. The Minister for Culture, the Hon. Prof. John Cortes, opened the exhibition on Tuesday, August 29. The event is organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) in association with the Fine Arts Association and the Gibraltar Photographic Society. It saw a panel […] Gibraltar News – The Olive Press Spanish Newspaper …